"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence."

Using a Proofreader can certainly help you do this. Proofreading concentrates on:

Complete accuracy; correcting words that are misspelt and those that are correctly spelt but are being used in the wrong context.

Correcting and adjusting incorrect punctuation in order to provide a much better and flowing sentence construction and therefore, enhancing the meaning.

Consistency is paramount in layout and formatting throughout, ensuring that the same style is applied in terms of capitalisation, punctuation, italicisation, spacing, hyphenation, font size and style etc. 

All of the above is 'second nature' to a highly-experienced and professional Proofreader and simply and most importantly, portrays a polished and professional image of you and your work.

My Clients are often surprised by the amount of corrections I make for them when they have not seen them, despite their own checking, but as is widely acknowledged, when you are totally familiar with the text, naturally, the 'blind spots' appear and you will often miss errors that are actually on the page!

Proofreading and Editing for Writers:

Are you a Writer trying to break into publication?
I can provide you with proofreading and editorial support.

Does your book require a final check with a fresh pair of eyes? 
It is very difficult to proofread your own manuscript, more often than not, as mentioned above, the writer will have become ‘blind’ to the errors and whilst your brain relaxes, it is easy to read what you want to see instead of what is actually there. That is why an independent and professional Proofreader is the answer with the result being a stronger and much improved manuscript that will be free of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors as well as correction of consistency and layout issues etc.

I also guarantee complete confidentiality when proofreading your material. Proofreading and Editing for Businesses (All Sectors):

• Tender Proposals
• Manuals of any nature: Training, Technical, Health & Safety etc
• Business Plans
• Annual Reports
• Presentations
• Press Releases, Advertisements, Newsletters
• Mission Statements etc, etc.

All proofreading work is completed using the Microsoft Word Track Changes tool. This allows you to accept or reject every change that is made, ensuring that the work remains entirely yours.

Are you a Student?
Do you need help with typing up your thesis or dissertation or perhaps just Proofreading? I would love to help.